Rob and I have been so fortunate.We have been able to share our lives with a fantastic bunch of cats, dogs, chooks and budgies. Here they are:
TER: Springer Spaniel. My darling dog. I found Chester in a pet shop at Chermside in 1993. He was a strong natured dog who loved swimming and 'fishing' along the shore line of Wynnum. He loved hanging his head out the car window and would eat anything. Chester loved his food!
He travelled with me from Brisbane to Moranbah, on to Emerald and then to Tassie. He passed away in 2008 having been a diabetic for 3 years. He is buried in the 'quadrangle' garden in Westbury and a beautiful water feature marks his grave. Chester was also know as Chester Bean and Beanie.
MAX: Maltese Terrier. Max also known as Maxy-moo, Moo-ball and Mooter.
KITTEN: Big black cat with 2 inch tail. Also known as Felix and Felixo-kitten.
Kitten was rescued from the RSPCA in Brisbane, in 1998. They told me she was a 'Manx' but in fact she was just a gorgeous cat with a tiny tail! Kitten was a very reserved cat and spent her days sleeping on the same spot in the spare room. She moved from Brisbane to Moranbah with me but continued to have as little to do with humans as possible. Then she met Rob!! It was love at first sight for Kitten. In fact Kitten's reaction to Rob made me realise Rob was a pretty special sort of man. So I have Kitten to thank for my husband! Kitten loves to sunbake, snooze in boxes and drool on Rob's chest at night. She is the 'boss' cat.
ANNIE: The shed cat also known as Annie-Pannie or Pants.
Annie adopted us in 2005 when she appeared one night as I was calling the animals for dinner. She is a shy little girl who was happy to live in the shed and keep away from the other cats - who of course were not happy about her arrival on the scene. Annie copped a lot of beatings but she stayed and on our move to Norfolk Island has exerted her

SASHA: Labrador Cross. Sasha Dasher adopted Chester in 1994 - she just left her family and moved in with Chester and I.
Sasha was a very loving girl and she absolutely adored Rob. Her ideal day was to snooze on the couch, chase chooks, explore the surounding paddocks and have a cuddle from Rob. Sasha disappeared one morning and was never found. She often wandered off on adventures and would return hours later completely exhausted. We'll never know what happened to her but we planted a peppercorn tree in her honour and placed a plaque beneath it. The tree is growing tall and beautifully in the cottage garden at Westbury.
RUSTY: Collie Cross. Also known as Bucket, Rusty Bucket, Rusto and Bucketoh.
Rusty was discovered at the Launceston RSPCA ! - we were so lucky to find him. He is just full on energy and happiness -he loves balls, riding on the back of the ute and barking at animals in paddocks. He is very photogenic and appeared on the front page of The Examiner newspaper. Rusty was such a delinquent that I took him through 2 levels of 'dog obedience' training. He excelled in the class but was like a rabid mad dog on the short walk into and out of the class room. He is becoming a little more sensible as the years pass but Rob and I just roll our eyes and love him. He is 7 years old.
MAX: Maltese Terrier. Max also known as Maxy-moo, Moo-ball and Mooter.
Max is 2 years old and was found in a pet shop in Prospect Vale Tasmania. This little boy has us totally wrapped around his small paw! What a lovable little character - a little dog with a big dog attitude. He sleeps on the bed, loves rides in the car and falls asleep on my lap every night. Max can drive Rusty mad - like any younger brother - and he is totally in charge of the 4 cats. Max regularly has his hair cut and used to suffer the indignity of a hair bow on his head when he was a puppy. He yawns more than any dog I have ever known.
KITTEN: Big black cat with 2 inch tail. Also known as Felix and Felixo-kitten.
Lilly was saved from neglect as a kitten in 1999. She was a sad and sorry sight for the first few weeks but is now the biggest cat in the house. Lilly is a smooge and loves to pad into my neck, purr loudly and drool - this is tolerable if I have about 2 layers of collar! She is a very confident cat and has no problems bailing up the odd dog though she does seem to have poor eyesight and at times walks gingerly around a room hissing at invisible snakes. Lilly loves sleeping in cardboard boxes and can cause real damage and pain if your finger strays too close.
ROSIE: Also known as 'The Bitch'. Rosie was rescued from the rubbish dump in Moranbah in 2000. She was a tiny starving 'feral'. Ro
sie is the most 'human loathing' cat ever! She will allow one stroke of her back once a day however I must be accompanied by a bowl of freshly chopped chicken breast. If I don't stick to her rules I am hissed and spat at. Rosie lives quite happily on the periphery of our lives. She lives outside and never interacts. But we love her independent style and attitude - what a great life she has! Rosie is an excellent mouse, rabbit and rat murderer.
ANNIE: The shed cat also known as Annie-Pannie or Pants.
personality and is now boss of the kitchen. She is an absolute delight and is happy sleeping on a chair, in the garden or in a box. Annie regularly deposits a dead rat on the door step as a token of her love.
What a full and happy house it is...............
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