Westbury started out in the 1800's as a base for soldiers, the odd convict and then Irish immigrants who were escaping Ireland and starvation. The Village was designed to be the main town in Northern Tasmania but this did not eventuate and Launceston took over that title. Westbury is full of Georgian houses and buildings and boasts the only Village Green in Tasmania. Westbury is situated in the very beautiful Meander Valley - the largest municipality in Northern Tasmania. This municipality stretches from Launceston all the way west to Cradle Mountain and is predomenently rural with tourism a very important part of the ecomomy.
Today over 1,200 people live in Westbury which is surrounded by the most beautiful rural scenery - its backbone formed by the mighty Great Western Tiers.
Quamby Mountain (known affectionately as Quamby) dominates the main view from both Westbury and nearby Deloraine. The photo to the right is a section of the 180 degree view from our home. A rural outlook is just so interesting - its like a large patchwork quilt. Crops change colour as they grow, cows and sheep are always on the move and the tractors and utes never stop. The Village of Westbury has excellent restaurants, cafes and Deloraine is a bustling township with several 2nd hand shops, a Woolworths and loads of busy small shops. Launceston, which is a 20 min drive from Westbury is a thriving city where you can shop 'til you drop. So Westbury had everything we wanted and was only 20 mins from the major airport.

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